News releases


No further rescinds of Evacuation Orders or Alerts tonight
September 1, 2023
Central Okanagan, BC – The Central Okanagan Emergency Operations Centre does not expect to rescind any additional Evacuation Orders or Alerts this evening. The McDougall Creek Wildfire remains classified as Out of Control by BC Wildfire. For updates, please visit the Incident link here. Progress is…
Operations update for the McDougall Creek Wildfire
September 1, 2023
Central Okanagan, B.C. – BC Wildfire and local fire departments continue to respond to the McDougall Creek wildfire, currently at an estimated 13,712.3 hectares and still classified as Out of Control. Only very minimal amounts of precipitation (<1 mm) have been received over the past 24-hours.…
Two of three wildfires in the region are classified as under control by BC Wildfire
August 31, 2023
Central Okanagan, B.C. – BC Wildfire has classified two of the three fires in the Central Okanagan as held and under control. The combination of rain, cooler temperatures and calmer winds have allowed the work of fire crews to continue and make headway in suppression efforts on the Lake Country and…
Updated - Emergency Support Services (ESS) to open in new location
August 31, 2023
Correction: a previous release had an incorrect address for the new Emergency Support Services (ESS) reception centre   Central Okanagan – The Emergency Support Services (ESS) reception centre is moving from Mount Boucherie Secondary School and will open tomorrow morning in a new location at 523-…
Emergency Support Services (ESS) to open in new location (updated)
August 31, 2023
Central Okanagan – The Emergency Support Services (ESS) reception centre is moving and will open tomorrow morning in a new location at 523-304 Louie Drive.  The ESS reception centre is for residents on Evacuation Order who are registered and receiving ESS supports.   The reception centre is now…