Updated - Emergency Support Services (ESS) to open in new location

Correction: a previous release had an incorrect address for the new Emergency Support Services (ESS) reception centre


Central Okanagan – The Emergency Support Services (ESS) reception centre is moving from Mount Boucherie Secondary School and will open tomorrow morning in a new location at 523-3041 Louie Drive. The ESS reception centre is for residents on Evacuation Order who are registered and receiving ESS supports.  

The reception centre is now closed for the evening and will open tomorrow morning from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at 523-3041 Louie Drive on Westbank First Nation lands. Over the long weekend, on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, the reception centre will be open 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 

The new location of the ESS reception centre is near the newly opened Resiliency Centre to facilitate referrals and supports between the two locations.  

The resiliency centre is a place for people impacted by wildfires in the Central Okanagan to connect with the services they need in a safe and supportive environment. For more information about supports at the resiliency centre visit cordemergency.ca