Sandbag removal on private property begins
Central Okanagan, BC - Full flood demobilization efforts begin today along private property in areas in Kelowna and West Kelowna no longer under threat of flooding and will be expanding into Lake Country, Peachland and areas along Westside Road in the coming week.
In Kelowna, local contractors will access waterfront properties to accommodate the removals of sandbags in the South Pandosy area from Lake and Royal Avenues. A staging area has been established at the end of Cadder Avenue in front of the beach access.
In West Kelowna, sandbag removals will occur in the Pritchard, Whitworth, Gellatly and Green Bay neighbourhoods.
Schedule of work is expected Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and involves removals occurring in these areas until the end of August.
Motorists, pedestrians and cyclists are to be cautious in busy transfer stations and follow direction from traffic control personnel.
Waterfront property owners outside of these areas removing their own sandbag walls should keep them at a level that protects against wind and wave action. Notification will be done through on-street signage and public service announcements to provide as much warning possible when crews are expected to complete removals on private property.
Precautions should be taken while removing sandbags and working around stagnant water. Sandbags that have been sitting in water could contain mould. Residents should wear N95 respirators, nitrile gloves and rubber boots while working and should wash hands and clothes well after handling the bags.
Residents can continue to support flood recovery efforts by bringing sandbags to the street front for pickup and disposal. Burlap and polypropylene bags should be divided into separate piles at the curb.
To make sure sandbags are recorded for pick up, Emergency Management BC has provided a sandbag recovery application, available at
Under no circumstances should sandbags be emptied into any creeks, lakes, wetland, beaches or other watercourses as outlined in the Water Sustainability Act. The impact can destroy fish habitat and affect drinking water supply, infrastructure, flood control, navigation and recreational activities.
Levels of the Big Lakes
The level of Okanagan Lake was recorded as 342.703 m above sea level on July 18, down 1.1 centimeters from July 17.
The level of Kalamalka Lake was recorded as 391.963 m above sea level on Tuesday, down 1 centimetre since Monday.
Debris Removal
Barges continue to remove unnatural debris from the shores of local lakes including unclaimed broken docks, unregistered boats, garbage and barrels, along with large trees or stumps. Damaged docks and pilings still in place are the responsibility of the property owner.
Any debris that residents do not want removed should be clearly marked with “Do Not Remove”, so crews know to leave it behind. This may include sections of dock residents are hoping to repair. If possible, use fluorescent orange flagging tape or paint.
Barges are continuing work along the shore at McKinley Landing in Kelowna and will be moving north through Lake Country and then across Okanagan Lake to north Westside Road later this week. A contractor has initiated debris removals in Wood Lake and Kalamalka Lake and will continue for the week.
Small woody debris on private property is the responsibility of residents. It can be disposed of as yard waste and put into the curbside yard waste bins providing it meets acceptable size limits under the program.
Yard-waste type debris can be taken to the Glenmore landfill free in loads up to 250 kilograms and less than 5 centimetres in circumference. Regular tipping fees apply to other loads.
Yard-waste sized debris may also be taken to:
- The Westside Residential Waste Disposal and Recycling Centre on Asquith Road in West Kelowna. Regular yard waste disposal charge applies.
- The transfer stations at Traders Cove and North Westside with a maximum load of 250 kilograms, 10 bags or one pick-up truck load.
See the Regional District Regional of Central Okanagan Yard Waste Program for more information.
BC Wildfire crews alone spent roughly 40,000 man hours producing and deploying sandbags. It is estimated that clean-up efforts will take approximately 150% to 200% of the labour required to deploy sandbags. Regional District Emergency Operations officials appreciate the patience of residents while sandbag removals are being completed.
To sign up for e-updates and for the most up-to-date information about sandbag pick up, drop-off locations and disposal, as well as debris clean up go to or call the flood recovery phone line at 250-470-0674. The information line will be open 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. from Monday to Friday.
For municipal information about boat launches, parks and beaches, and water quality advisories, visit their websites:
- City of Kelowna
- City of West Kelowna
- District of Lake Country
- District of Peachland
- Regional District of Central Okanagan
- Westbank First Nation
To stay informed about flooding and the recovery efforts, visit, sign up for e-updates or call the information line at 250-470-0674.