Evacuation Alert rescinded for Bald Range Creek Wildfire
News Release No. 4
Date: July 18, 2023
Time: 1:00 p.m.
Central Okanagan, B.C. – The Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) has rescinded the Evacuation Alerts for 18 properties located between 3985 to 4069 Westside Road. The Bald Range Creek Wildfire status remains out of control and residents should be prepared in the event conditions should change.
Westside Road has reopened to single lane alternating traffic between Secret Cove and Bella Vista Estates. For more information visit DriveBC.ca.
BC Hydro has restored a partial return of power. For more information visit BC Hydro.
With the rescinding of the Evacuation Alerts for the Bald Range Creek Wildfire the EOC is no longer activated and operating. The Centre remains on standby and will be re-activated should another emergency require support and coordination.
During an EOC activation, information will be posted at cordemergency.ca. Residents are urged to sign up to receive email updates by clicking on the Subscribe to Emergency Notifications.
Residents should also prepare to be self-sufficient for at least 72 hours in case of any emergency that might force them from their home. Links to Emergency Preparedness information can be found at cordemergency.ca.
Central Okanagan Emergency information is also available on Facebook at facebook.com/CORDEmergency and on Twitter at twitter.com/CO_Emerg.